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Tunku Abdul Rahman Melaungkan Merdeka

Tunku memimpin Negara selama 15 tahun iaitu satu era yang panjang bagi. The new pub is from the people behind The Lord …

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

This quote by Drucker in 2006 implies that the culture of your company or organization always determines success regard…

How to Find C in Y Mx C

To find the equation of a straight line from a graph you first need to find the gradient and then secondly find the y-i…

Cara Nak Minimize Program Pada Laptop

Untuk membuat ukuran kolom tabel menjadi seminimum atau sekecil mungkin kita bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas AutoFit yang d…

Cara Nak Memasang Kamera Di Kereta Ke Telefon Bimbit

Tekan ESC untuk menutup. Kacang Je Nak Godam Kamera Telefon Bimbit- Kevin Mitnick Bekas Penggodam. Ja…

PKR election results

The results for the PKR national and division elections will be announced on May 29 according to the central election c…